Trust Check Issue | HTTP

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I am trying to use Discord webhooks but change the header so that Discord doesn’t block it ( From what I have read Roblox’s default header is what is getting blocked ). Keep in mind that I am not very experienced with HTTP let alone how to use headers, so I am essentially walking blindly into this.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

I am getting a error that says “{}: Trust check failed” there is a screenshot below

Here is the code (Line 27 is erroring):

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local BOTModule = {}

function BOTModule:SendMessage(Message)
	local response = HttpService:RequestAsync(
		Url = "",  -- Removed to prevent people from using it
		Method = "POST",
		Headers = {
			["Content-Type"] = "webhook/json"  
	local SlackMessage = HttpService:JSONEncode({

		text = ""..Message..""
	HttpService:PostAsync(response, SlackMessage)

return BOTModule
  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I have looked at the developer forum and have not found anything, I mean I have seen people having the “Trust check failed” problem but none of the fixes for those people fix this, unfortunately. Before anyone asks the Url for the webhook does have “httpls://” before the link. If anyone has a better way of doing this please let me know how to fix it or if Discord will still block it let me know please. Thank you for any and all help!

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Headers = {
			["Content-Type"] = "webhook/json"  

I dont believe webhook/json is a valid content type, instead you should use application/json

Also what’s the “”…Message…"" about, couldn’t you just use text = Message?

If you use a proxy, Discord will not block it. Here is how to create a proxy, you can also use Lewis_Schumer’s proxy.

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Trust check failed is because your URL’s protocol (which you’ve said is httpls) is invalid. You can’t work around the Discord webhook ban without a proxy. HttpService prevents what you would actually need to do.