I like this idea.
How would this be an issue? If you’re releasing your game with assets that aren’t approved, they’re not visible to begin with – an asset being declined wouldn’t have much of an effect in that case.
I like this idea.
How would this be an issue? If you’re releasing your game with assets that aren’t approved, they’re not visible to begin with – an asset being declined wouldn’t have much of an effect in that case.
Which is why I included the word “falsely”. I’ve had too many gradients and small UI icons/spritesheets denied for no reason. Unapproved assets will be visible to yourself so you do not notice they have or have not yet passed moderation. And when you finally do, it’s probably in the final minutes before release when testing with your friends.
Ah, this is an annoying issue that should definitely be fixed. That’s more of an issue with asset previewing than it is moderation speed though.
There’s nothing to be fixed there as it’s not broken. Imagine working on your GUI and being unable to see your asset in action right away, it would make development nearly impossible.
We just need a better way to see the status of assets, some sort of moderation queue page would resolve it.
That’s not what I’m suggesting. I like the current behavior, but I’d also like for my declined image assets to display a giant X whenever they do finally get through moderation so I know they’ve been denied.
This is also another solution. Can’t you already use the Develop page for this to some extent though? It shows you which assets have been declined in the icon thumbnail.
This is a bug. We are aware of this.
Edit: To clarify, by unapproved asset I mean an asset that was rejected. Not pending.
I’ve seen quite a few threads on these forums asking “why was X moderated?” or something similar, by devs that might be considered “trustworthy” by your guidelines. Obviously people are going to upload offensive/inappropriate/copyrighted material (intentionally or unintentionally) no matter what.
It would probably take more time to figure out if someone is trustworthy than it would to just moderate their assets.
And when someone takes the time to obtain trustworthy status, and abuses that privilege to upload pornography, then everyone is just screwed.
No, it would be beter if there was an place in Studio that showcased this Like an notification center.
Yeah, I like the idea of being notified when one of your assets is declined. What I was referring to in that reply is for a general overview of your assets. The Develop page should be able to serve that function already.
I’d rather have an update asset feature. For example, a 3D mesh that I just could not get right I had to change 5 times for it to be right. It would be great if I could say, “hey, I only want this one version approved” and then the previous versions get denied automatically, and only the final version gets moderated. It would save moderators the time to look at those 4 unused versions.
And stop my inventory from being clogged with multiple versions of the same asset
If the asset gets approved before you can update it then the feature wont’ work. When I have multiple versions of an asset that I don’t need, I just delete them from my inventory. If I really need them back I can look in the develop page.
After how long it took my images to be approved yesterday and today, I think there should be some priority given to developers. I know it seems egotistical to say, but I was waiting for three hours to finally be able to sell my gamepass at prime time yesterday as none of the images I needed to show what it does could load. Honestly I think it’s more important to approve an image a popular income-generating game than some random kid uploading a pony or a picture of a number.
But to be fair that’s also just the risk of uploading everything last minute though? You can also just upload the gamepass before updating the game and then make the title N/A until you update
Recently I’ve noticed roblox has been pretty good about reviewing assets faster now. Particullary when I upload images at 3 am they get approved hecka fast, unlike before when I had to wait till the next morning for a moderator to get on.
Honestly, the wait time for an asset isn’t all that important and I don’t think they need to waste their time by checking certain people faster, because it’d make them check normal people slower.
I honestly agree with the point of not uploading last minute, and I do also agree with this point, its fairly fast anyway, a day at most usually.