Trying to create a textbox selling system

o wait nvm I had it because it was checking if the amounts WERE NOT 0

You mean want number above 0 or below 0??

In order for the script to continue the bag amount to sell must not be 0

Maybe change it so it equal to 1

It doesn’t change the spamming of the textbox value on the SetAttribute

Ops …my bad :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Maybe change

<= not 0 then 


>  0 then

The line has nothing to do with the spamming

Found[Find.Name].Amount =- HowMuchSelling

If I’m not mistaken it supposed to e like this

Found[Find.Name].Amount -= HowMuchSelling
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Still doesn’t fix it though. I don’t know what the problem would be :thinking:

Can you try do some debuging??

It might be because of the memory leaks it’s causing.

Thats may be possible… (((((())))