Trying to Figure out Cars

Hello! I am currently in the middle of trying to figure out how to make a car or some type of vehicle. However, I can’t figure out what direction to start in. So, I was curious if anyone has an idea as to where I can start. (Examples of where to start: What Services i can use, Constraints etc) Thank you!

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You have a lot of topics you will have to start covering from scratch… How to setup the car, rig it, how to script the server side, the client side scripting, etc.

As far as resources go I can point you in a couple of directions to start off with, but anything else will be straight forward as you have most tutorials on the DevForum by now, so I recommend searching for yourself as well.

I’d say the number one tip is don’t get stuck in “Tutorial Hell” and try and immediately get to scripting a first working car as soon as you feel like you’ve learnt the basics. Doesn’t matter if it sucks!

I hope I can be of help with this, enjoy your scripting:

NotApokalypse’s Topic “How to script a car?”
Sleitnick’s Topic “How to Rig a Car”
Suphi Kaner’s YouTube Video “Cars WIth Suspension - Roblox Scripting Tutorial”


Thank you for the help! This has defiantly led me in the right direction!!!

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Glad it did, I wish you the best with scripting and always feel free to write on the forum again and I am sure someone will help!

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