The function returns a normalId, which you can do what I did for chosing a minigame.
local function FindUpSurface(part)
local surface
local max_height = -math.huge
for i, enum in pairs(Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems()) do
local enum_height = (part.CFrame* -- find the y position in world space of the part's surface
if enum_height > max_height then -- if it's higher than the previous ones then it's more up!
max_height = enum_height
surface = enum
return surface
local minigames = ... -- a list of your minigames
local randomMinigames = {}
for i = 1, 6 do -- has a random minigame for each side of the die
local minigame = minigames[, #minigames)] -- a random number selector, like math.random but more random.
table.insert(randomMinigames, minigame)
local die = ... -- path to die (singular for dice)
local velocity =, 200)
die.Velocity =, velocity, 0)
repeat wait(1) until die.Velocity.Magnitude == 0 and die.RotVelocity.Magnitude == 0 -- wait until die stops
FindUpSurface(die) -- The function you were given
print(surface) -- returns a normalid (
-- im pretty sure you can do the surfacenormal value to chose a random one
local finalMinigame = randomMinigames[surface.Value] -- the chosen minigame
If your minigames table is a dictionary, then you should add them to an array.
local minigames = {} -- a fake minigames list for selecting a minigame
for _, data in pairs(realMinigames) do -- the table you actually use
table.insert(minigames, data)