Trying to make it so It ignore certain peoples jump power and walk speed

Hello! I made a anti exploit script so people wont cheat, Im trying to make it so it will ignore certain people.

The problem is Ive tried to do it but I kinda dont have much scripting nolage and my attemps to try hasnt worked at all, please help

So far ive tried looking on youtube and couldn’t find anything relevant and nothing really on the devforum eathier.

local hum = script.Parent:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”)

while true do
   if hum.WalkSpeed ~= 16 then
                   game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick(“We do not tolerate with you using exploits, it gives you an advantage.”)
     if hum.JumpPower ~= 50 then
           game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick(“We do not tollerate with you using exploits, it gives you an advantage.”)

This script is pretty easily exploitable. The exploiter could just delete it or they can unbind the Player:Kick() method. But to answer your question:

local hum = script.Parent:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”)
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer -- just set the player as 1 variable to make it easier

local ignore = { } -- insert the players who you want the script to ignore userids here
-- example: local ignore = { 107157606, 1, 10000 }

while true do
   if table.find(ignore, player.UserId) then -- checks if they were added to the ignore list
      break -- end the loop

   if hum.WalkSpeed ~= 16 then
      player:Kick(“We do not tolerate with you using exploits, it gives you an advantage.”)

   if hum.JumpPower ~= 50 then
      player:Kick(“We do not tollerate with you using exploits, it gives you an advantage.”)
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Thanks but Is their a way to make my firewall better?

You can use remote events but for a speed-exploit detect this would require the use of the client (which can be easily modified by an exploiter) or using RunService.Heartbeat to have the server predict where someone would be with a certain walkspeed (i don’t recommend this, lag is always a thing)

For a basic run down of exploiting I recommend this thread:

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