Trying to save leaderstats with httpservice

'm trying to do this to save leaderstats through each game inside one starterplace, like with levels and KO’s.

Here’s my code right now and it doesn’t work:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Credits = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Credits")
local Wins = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Wins")
local XP = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("XP") 
local Level = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Level") 
local Hats = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Hats") 
local http = game.HttpService
local url = ""
local saliva = http:GetAsync(url, true)
--Capitilization is important!

	local key = "user_"..plr.userId -- UserId's are unique and stay the same for each player so that's why I am using this (it will also account for name changes)
	local stats ="IntValue",plr)
	stats.Name = "leaderstats"
	local credits ="IntValue",stats)
	credits.Name = "Credits"
	credits.Value = Credits:GetAsync(key)
	local wins ="IntValue",stats)
	wins.Name = "Wins"
	wins.Value = Wins:GetAsync(key)
	wins.Value = Wins:GetAsync(url)
	local level ="IntValue",stats)
	level.Name = "Level"
	--level.Value = Level:GetAsync(key,url)
	level.Value = Level:GetAsync(url)
	local hats ="IntValue",stats)
	hats.Name = "Hats"
	hats.Value = Hats:GetAsync(key)
	local xp ="IntValue",stats)
	xp.Name = "XP"
	xp.Value = XP:GetAsync(key)
	function onXPChanged(plr, xp, level)
	if xp.Value >= 30 then
	level.Value = level.Value + 1
	xp.Value = 0
function onWinsChanged(plr, wins)
--if Tags.Value == Tags.Value + 1 then
local q = script.Kills:Clone()
		q.Parent = plr.PlayerGui
	credits.Changed:connect(function() Credits:SetAsync(key, credits.Value) end) -- These save the level and money when their stats update
	wins.Changed:connect(function() Wins:SetAsync(key, wins.Value) end)
	xp.Changed:connect(function() XP:SetAsync(key, xp.Value) end)
	xp.Changed:connect(function() onXPChanged(plr, xp, credits) end)
	xp.Changed:connect(function() onXPChanged(plr, xp, level) end)
	wins.Changed:connect(function() onWinsChanged(plr, wins) end)
	level.Changed:connect(function() Level:GetAsync(url, level.Value) end)
	hats.Changed:connect(function() Hats:SetAsync(key, hats.Value) end)
	--[[while true do
		if plr.Character ~= nil then break end

	local humanoid = plr.Character.Humanoid

	humanoid.Died:connect(function() onHumanoidDied(humanoid, plr) end )

	-- start to listen for new humanoid
	plr.Changed:connect(function(property) onPlayerRespawn(property, plr) end )

	stats.Parent = plr

function Send_DB_Event_Died(victim, killer)
	-- killer may be nil
	local killername = "unknown"
	if killer ~= nil then killername = killer.Name end
	print(victim.Name, " was killed by ", killername)

	if shared["deaths"] ~= nil then 
		shared["deaths"](victim, killer)
		print("Death event sent.")

function Send_DB_Event_Kill(killer, victim)
	print(killer.Name, " killed ", victim.Name)
	if shared["kills"] ~= nil then 
		shared["kills"](killer, victim)
		print("Kill event sent.")

function onHumanoidDied(humanoid, player)
	local stats = player:findFirstChild("leaderstats")
	if stats ~= nil then
		--local deaths = stats:findFirstChild("Tags")
		local xp = stats:findFirstChild("XP")
		--deaths.Value = deaths.Value + 1
		--xp.Value = xp.Value + 1

		local killer = getKillerOfHumanoidIfStillInGame(humanoid)

		Send_DB_Event_Died(player, killer)
		handleKillCount(humanoid, player)

function onPlayerRespawn(property, player)
	-- need to connect to new humanoid
	if property == "Character" and player.Character ~= nil then
		local humanoid = player.Character.Humanoid
			local p = player
			local h = humanoid
			humanoid.Died:connect(function() onHumanoidDied(h, p) end )

function getKillerOfHumanoidIfStillInGame(humanoid)
	-- returns the player object that killed this humanoid
	-- returns nil if the killer is no longer in the game

	-- check for kill tag on humanoid - may be more than one - todo: deal with this
	local tag = humanoid:findFirstChild("creator")

	-- find player with name on tag
	if tag ~= nil then
		local killer = tag.Value
		if killer.Parent ~= nil then -- killer still in game
			return killer

	return nil

function handleKillCount(humanoid, player)
	local killer = getKillerOfHumanoidIfStillInGame(humanoid)
	if killer ~= nil then
		local stats = killer:findFirstChild("leaderstats")
		if stats ~= nil then
			local kills = stats:findFirstChild("Tags")
         local xp = stats:findFirstChild("XP")
			if killer ~= player then
				kills.Value = kills.Value + 1
            xp.Value = xp.Value + 3


				kills.Value = kills.Value - 0
			Send_DB_Event_Kill(killer, player)


I’ve been asking a lot of questions today on this forum, so sorry about all that!

Can you even save leaderstats with httpservice? Please help! Thanks!

Oh BTW the “Level” leaderstat is the only one I’ve coded for the httpservice.

What did you expect? You use HttpService ONCE at the very beginning of the script…on Google. Yes you can save leaderstats with HttpService but you need to actually WRITE a backend server (not on Roblox) for HttpService to use.

1 Like

Yeah what Kamp said, I’d recommend getting your own VPS and installing Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 with LEMP. Works well for PHP and MySQL, but if you are more of a Node.JS type of person you can easily install that as well using apt-get install nodejs. From there you can run your own nodejs applications or just some simple php scripts to do all the networking

Yeah I think I’ll just try to stick to one game lol.

Maybe if I could get some help or extensive tutorials, is it hard to do?

You’ll have to learn an entirely new programming language. Look into backend web development.

Kind of confused by this, more importantly it has nothing to do with what I said.

Anyways, to answer question about tutorials you can simply look at PHP or Node.JS tutorials. If you really want to go far out you can go look at Ruby tutorials but that is something you should not look at.

Instead of doing that you could use google sheets, there’s some threads (for example) on here about creating a database with one, there’s a few limitations but depending on how often and how many leaderstats you want to save it might do for now, up to you to mess around with, might (likely) be completely useless, but it’s the simplest way i can think to make a database with the HTTP Service

Oh thanks dude