Tutorial for making a premium marketplace system

Hello and welcome back to my tutorial on making a marketplace system.

Most games have special offers or advantages for when you get premium membership. We like to call them premium benefits.

Screenshot 2023-11-06 124505

For this tutorial, I will be showing you how to make premium benefits for your game.

STEP 1: What benefits will you make?

Premium benefits can be offered as a tool, access to a certain area, extra coins or XP, etc. It’s up to you to think about what you’re going to do, but let’s just stick with coins for this tutorial.

Now let’s think about how many coins you want to give the player…

  • 10 Coins
  • 25 Coins
  • 50 Coins
  • 75 Coins
  • 100 Coins

And think about the time between the player will receive them…

  • 1 Minute
  • 2 Minutes
  • 5 Minutes

Usually, I would do 50 coins every 2 minutes of playtime but you can pick any of the above!

STEP 2: Making the GUI

Now we’re gonna move on to the GUIs. Here’s how we’re gonna do it:

  1. Create a new ScreenGUI in StarterGui.

  2. Add a new ImageButton in your ScreenGui. Set the anchor point as 0.5, 0.5, resize it and position it to the bottom of your screen.

  3. Find a premium membership label for your image button. Make sure that it’s a PNG image.

So at the end, your button should look like this at the bottom of your screen:

Screenshot 2023-11-06 124805

Now, we’re gonna introduce the player to the premium benefits.

  1. Add a Frame inside the same gui and name it, “Premium Benefits”.

  2. Set the same anchor point from earlier and this time, position the frame to the middle of the screen.

  3. Resize the frame to fit your list of premium benefits.

  4. Add TextLabels for your benefits and another one for your title saying. “Premium Benefits”. Don’t forget to resize the text to make it visible to players.

  5. Add your TextButton at the bottom of the frame and another one for when you close the frame.

So in the end, the frame should look like this at the bottom of your screen:

Screenshot 2023-11-06 124505

Forgot to mention, you can set frame and text color to the color of your choice.

STEP 3: The scripts

Finally, you have reached everyone’s favorite part! Now to start off, make sure API services, third party sales and HTTP Requests are enabled.

How do I toggle these settings?

Game Settings > Security

The server script

Add a server script inside ServerScriptService.

NOTE: If you have more than one script inside there, I highly recommend renaming them to avoid confusion.

Now follow what I do:

  1. Create a function for when a player joins the game.
     -- stuff
  1. Create the leaderstats.
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder", player)
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"

local coins = Instance.new("IntValue", leaderstats)
coins.Name = "Coins"
coins.Value = 0
  1. Now we’re gonna check if the player joined with premium or not by using player.MembershipType. That’s an Enum value which returns the type of membership the player has.

So add a conditional statement inside the function which will determine if the player has premium or not.

if player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.Premium then
     -- stuff
The possible memberships the player might have

There are currently four Enum.MembershipType values (apart from None which basically means that the player has no current membership):

  • Premium
  • BuildersClub (Unobtainable)
  • TurboBuildersClub (Unobtainable)
  • OutrageousBuildersClub (Unobtainable)

Now, earlier in the tutorial, we made up a list of premium benefits to use. Again, let’s say the player will get 50 coins every 2 minutes of playtime. Therefore:

  1. Create a loop.
while wait(120) do -- 120 seconds for two minutes
     -- stuff

And of course:

while wait(120) do
    coins.Value += 50 -- 50 coins every two minutes

And, Voilà! Your server script should look like this:


	local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder", player)
	leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"

	local coins = Instance.new("IntValue", leaderstats)
	coins.Name = "Coins"
	coins.Value = 0
	if player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.Premium then
		while wait(120) do
			coins.Value += 50

The GUI script

Now let’s move on to the gui script. Add a LocalScript in the premium benefit frame and follow these steps:

First, we’ll get our GUI components.

local Frame = script.Parent
local premiumButton = Frame.Premium -- The get-premium button
local openPremiumButton = Frame.Parent.OpenPremium -- The open-gui button outside the frame
local closePremiumButton = Frame.CloseShop -- The button to close the gui

Next, we’ll get the services needed and other variables.

local mps = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local players = game:GetService("Players")

local player = players.LocalPlayer

Just to make the frames invisible…

Frame.Visible = false
closePremiumButton.Visible = false
openPremiumButton.Visible = true

Now we’ll just need to make the frames visible for when openPremiumButton is clicked.

	Frame.Visible = true
	closePremiumButton.Visible = true
What we can also do
	Frame.Visible = (not Frame.Visible) -- An easier way to toggle a boolean by assigning it to its opposite
	closePremiumButton.Visible = (not closePremiumButton.Visible)

not Button.Visible can be used if you want to click the same button to open or close a GUI element because .Visible is a boolean value.

Now for the premiumButton, we’ll prompt the player to buy premium. Therefore, we’ll use MarketplaceService:PromptPremiumPurchase(Player).

--[[ -- optional line --
	if player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.Premium then
		print("You already have Premium!")

And to close the frame:

	Frame.Visible = false
	closePremiumButton.Visible = false

The finished code:

GUI local script

local Frame = script.Parent
local premiumButton = Frame.Premium 
local openPremiumButton = Frame.Parent.OpenPremium
local closePremiumButton = Frame.CloseShop

local mps = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local players = game:GetService("Players")

local player = players.LocalPlayer

Frame.Visible = false
closePremiumButton.Visible = false
openPremiumButton.Visible = true

	Frame.Visible = true
	closePremiumButton.Visible = true

--[[ -- optional line --
	if player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.Premium then
		print("You already have Premium!")

	Frame.Visible = false
	closePremiumButton.Visible = false

Server script


	local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder", player)
	leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"

	local coins = Instance.new("IntValue", leaderstats)
	coins.Name = "Coins"
	coins.Value = 0
	if player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.Premium then
		while wait(120) do
			coins.Value += 50

Thanks for reading!

If you have any problems or if I miss anything in this topic, feel free to reply and I’ll be happy to edit. Again, thank you for reading! :grin: Good luck! :+1:t5:

Was this helpful?

  • Yes it was! Thank you.
  • Nah. I already knew that :wink:

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Good tutorial, but I would not recommend using so bright colors for UI like dark blue. Mostly only use black or white. (35, 35, 35) or (250, 250, 250)


Great Tutorial i do not recommend using wait instead task.Wait()

1 Like

Ok then. Thanks for the suggestion.

task.wait() is only for huge performance. like perfect frames. Wait will work just fine.

1 Like

wait() is alright for testing, but should not be used in production code for various reasons. Do your research.


Thanks! This really helped me in my game!

1 Like

I’m glad it did. Just in case, here’s the link to the original tutorial:
(UPDATED) Tutorial for making a Marketplace System

Alright Thanks, nice work by the way

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