Tutorial for Scripting (function,loop)

Hi today I am Gonna Teach you How to make a Simple timer Portal or Door
NOTE: This is for Beginners

First Select a Part and add a Script to it

And Go to the Script Delete everything in it and start scripting

Create a variable for the Part and GO function

    local part = script.Parent

        local function go()
             part.Transparency = 0.3
            part.CanCollide = false

Now Lets add stop function

    local part = script.Parent

        local function go()
             part.Transparency = 0.3
            part.CanCollide = false
local function stop()
   part.Transparency = 0
    part.CanCollid = true

lets call the function and make it run forever

    local part = script.Parent

        local function go()
             part.Transparency = 0.3
            part.CanCollide = false
local function stop()
   part.Transparency = 0
    part.CanCollide = true

    while true do
       go() --open
       wait(3) --seconds

and save it and play in your game and check if it works

if you have any doubt let me know for example if don’t know what is function i will explain it to you and lets hope for 10 likes


CanCollid is not a property of BasePart. Please change it to CanCollide.

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While is undefined. Switch it to while as that is the correct word. Capitalisation matters in programming.
Also, please fix the indenting. It makes the code harder to read.

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Sorry I forgot to Copy paste from the roblox studio so i had to write it by myself