Tutorial Sites?

I’m hoping to start dabbling into LUA. I know basic html. I’ve tried numerous wikis and stuff for LUA but never got it. My father is a professional software engineer, but doesn’t know LUA either. I’m looking for some sites to help me learn, or anything for that matter. Hoping Devforum can help me out!

Hey @The_Arcanist , You could probally use the Roblox Developer Hub, which could be found here. Hope I helped.


I’ve looked at this but I just didn’t feel I was learning.

Have you tried any YouTube tutorials, some times they could help.

If your looking to really get into lua, you could spend $10 USD to get this book. I have it and I find it very helpful!


You could also look through the official Lua site:
or AlvinBlox who has some videos about learning Lua:

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When I first got into Scripting I used Peaspod and Codetheorem’s tutorials. Neither of them really make tutorials anymore but there are enough to get you started. Once you really start getting the foundation just think of a project that you want to make(Not too big) and just do it. Whether you finish it or not you’ll learn as you go. Challenge yourself more and more, tackle problems that you don’t understand and that’s how you learn. The trick is to not give up, maybe take a break on something but always try and tackle the problem. I would definitely use the Dev Hub as @ScytheSlayin said too, also the API helps.

Edit: Both of those channels’ tutorials are pretty old so some things may be outdated, but I’m sure theyre still good for learning.

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I’ve been told my stuff has helped people


I made this hacky post last night. Hope this will help.

How I learned Lua was just trial and error. I remember how frustrated I was years ago when I couldn’t understand a thing about coding. The developer hub does contain some information for beginners, but it’s mostly intermediate Lua for those who know something about Lua. Like others have mentioned, @Alvin_Blox provides quality Roblox tutorials. He puts a lot of planning and effort into his videos, so you may want to check those out, I also learned Lua from his videos. At that point, after watching videos and reading the developer hub, I could already use Lua, but it wasn’t the really complex codes yet, I learned how to code from this forum basically. Back in 2017, I joined the forum, but I couldn’t post and all, so I just kept on reading posts. Members who seek support will explain what their code does and they provide their code so this is like, how I started building my coding style. I picked out the good ones based on what the community said and played with the code. It’s personally like a “pretty accident”, I won’t go into detail why I call it that, but yeah, this forum is a great place to learn how to code :slight_smile:

If you need help understanding bits of code, you could message us or post on #development-support:scripting-support


I would really like to hear why you call it a ‘pretty accident,’ if you are okay sharing

On this topic though, I just want to say that I believe reading and learning from professionals is 100% the way to go
I learned lua in the most inefficient way possible: constant tinkering
Its probably one of my biggest regrets that I wasted so much time doing this when what I could have learned in a year’s worth of time would have easily been learned in less than a week

But if you plan on being serious about anything related to scripting/programming, irregardless of what everyone else may say about this here, first be decent at competition math–this is basically everything before algebra 2, but it involves creative manipulations and logical thinking

some resources

I think there’s a lot of content on this on the internet now, most notably probably aops, you can also use brilliant.org (I love brilliant), etc

Also if your high school/middle school has math competitions, ATTEND THEM!! If it doesn’t, do past tests (such as AMC8,AMC10,AMC12s)

Little bit of philosophy:
Competition math will make you think logically and creatively
Programming, along with everything else, is just a lower form of math/logic…literally everything will be a piece of cake if you have these fundamentals down

Though, this does require a lot of self discipline and patience
Irregardless, I believe this is the most efficient and effective way to becoming a good scripter/programmer

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You’re on a good tutorial site right now, considering the fact that this question has been asked here more times than can be counted and this is also a place to ask questions regarding programming on the Roblox platform.

Frankly, if you already have a background in software engineering or you have someone you can ask, you’re quite set. I don’t think Lua is necessarily as advanced as other languages, you can learn it very quickly. Your effort is going to come from understanding how to put Lua to practice on the platform.

In my opinion, your best learning comes from experimenting and playing around in Roblox Studio over boring yourself with simple articles.

Video tutorials are typically aimed at specific topics, however the beauty of a video is the ability to pause, rewind, skip, follow along and listen in, among many other things. There are many Roblox channels dedicated to Roblox tutorials so give them a look. AlvinBlox seems to be a very popular one around here.