Tween the size of a part expanding on one side only


I am trying to tween the size of a part expanding on one side only but having issues, I think I need to use LookVector but the code below still expands on both sides?

Can anyone help?

local tween = ts:Construct(script.Parent,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, -1, true, 0), 
	{Size = script.Parent.Size + script.Parent.CFrame.LookVector *,0,5)}
	, .4, false)


If you want to grow only in a certain direction, you have to move the part in that direction at half the speed it’s growing on that axis:

1.   |   |     start at width 5

2. |       |   + 4 width (grows 2 in both directions)

3.   |       | move right 2 to realign left side

In other words, if you’re doing

Size = script.Parent.Size +, 0, 5)

You also need to do

CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame *, 0, 2.5)