Tween welded part on moving object

Hi, I’m wondering how I can make it so a part on a moving object can still be tweened while also still attached and staying on that moving object, so like say for example a car driving animation where the car chassis is being tweened and you want it so a door opens while still being attached to the car.

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Use a Weld between the chassis and the door and set the Weld’s C1 Position and Orientation to where you want the hinge of the door to sit, then tween the weld’s C0 Orientation to swing the door.

Ask the Assistant (Studio View tab > Assistant) to write a simple script to tween the C0 Orientation of a weld. Try to be as specific as possible but realize that you’ll have to modify it so it works properly for you.


What about for like a sliding part? I have a part that’s meant to be able to slide out then retract in and I’ve tried just a tween on that part but it doesn’t work which I’m presuming is because the movement from the weld and the tween are overlapping and the tween just gets cancelled out.

You need to tween that weld individually.
For example I have a door with a sliding latch on an unanchored car.
The door hinge tween has different parameters than the door latch. I don’t play both tweens at once.

You can tween the Offset of the weld between Unanchored Parts to make one slide, or the Orientation to make it rotate.


if you have Motor6D or Weld, you can tween C0 or C1, and they are still going to be attached


alright ill try this when i get the chance

And @Velover3454

So exactly what I said in my 2 previous posts?

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yeah I get what you had meant now, what you and @Velover3454 said are both solutions.

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