Tween when cloned

I’ve made a script that can detect when walk speed, remotes fired and when players leave and join. But I want to be able to tween it to make it look more smooth but I’m not sure how


Script to clone:

local playr =

playr.Parent = script.Parent

playr.Visible = true

playr.Name = plr.Name

playr.a.ev.Text = plr.Name.." has joined."

playr.a.TextLabel.Text = "Player Joining"




I realized that I didn’t explain what I wanted to do properly, I want to make the notifications tween into the screen instead of just appearing if anybody could help then thanks!

This is a function that I wrote a long time ago for Tweening. I personally use it simply because it’s easier for me to remember.

local T = game:GetService('TweenService')
function tween(o,t,l,s,d)
	s = s or Enum.EasingStyle.Linear
	d = d or Enum.EasingDirection.InOut
	local i =,s,d)
	return T:Create(o,i,t)


tween( Instance/Object, Property Table, Length of Time, EasingStyle (Optional), EasingDirection (Optional) )



I don’t understand your script, could you explain how it works?

Also, how would this help me tell where the new cloned frame should tween to?

if you’re using UIGridLayout etc to automatically position the Frames then you can’t really tween the frames position unless you modify it a bit more like this

then you can just tween the Textlabel back there and since you’re gonna put it at the side they wont see that its there till u tween it

then you just make the background transparency of the frames to 1 so it actually looks like there’s nothing there

then you just set the position of the textlabel boom it looks like it actually appeared at the right side of the screen

This method is assuming you’re using the UI instances to automatically position them.

Transparent Background

Since the TextLabels are parented to a frame then all you have to do is set their position outside the screen view then just tween it to UDim2.fromscale(0,0) etc etc, assuming this is the type of animation you want.