[Discontinued] TweenCameraV1! | The smooth like butter cinematic camera script. Satisfy your eyes with this improved default camera model!

What is all of this about??

Are you bored from the default camera? Well this is the model for you! Improve the camera’s movement by simply using this completely open-source model.

The default Roblox camera is definitely boring, that is why I created this.

STOP! Don't read any further. This has been discontinued. Future Roblox updates will break it even more. I had complications in my life which lead to me not having the time or interest to continue this. I'm sorry, if you want feel free to take a look at it or even make your own version. This should now be only used as an exmaple of your potential code.

How can I use it?

It’s all super simple! All you have to do is put the script inside Starter Character Scripts and click the Test Game button. You can modify the ~smoothness~ of the camera at the very end of the script. There are many comments around the script to help you navigate. I’ve also left a simple jump checker, so you can decrease the effect when the player jumps into the air. Changing the smoothness is also ultra simple, all you have to do is change the Tween time and that’s it! Feel free to experiment, you can also change the Easing Direction/Style. The default settings I’ve left are what I find the best for me.

Are there are any bugs I have to worry about?

Currently, I couldn’t find any bugs whatsoever, but keep in mind that there might be a glitch that I’m unaware of. If you find any please leave a reply here. I also want to mention that this is the first resource post I’m making, sorry if I did something wrong!

Feedback is really appreciated. Since this is open-source you can also contribute and improve the code. I’m not the best programmer, but I tried my best to remove any bugs and make it highly customizable. You can also tweak all of the other variables and settings, it doesn’t have to be only the tween info.

Can I use it in my game?

Yes of course! This is open-source, you don’t have to worry about anything. There is no need to credit me, but I will really appreciate it if you do! Keep in mind that I do not take any responsibility if your game violates the Roblox ToS and Community Guidelines!

Is there a preview video? I’m still not sure what this is supposed to do.

Yeah, here will be some previews of how this works. It’s much better than the normal camera!
Keep in mind that I have decreased the smoothness when jumping so the effect is clearly visible. You can make it much smoother if you wish. Anything above 0.5 should be okay for jumping. Of course you can completely remove the jump check if you want.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Sprinting System, and other stuff in the video are not included in the model. The test place has a walkspeed changer so you can experience the camera on a higher walkspeed.

Will this be updated in the future?

Yes it will be updated if there are any bugs or improvements found. Keep track of this post if you don’t want to miss any updates!

So where do I get this?

Just follow the links below:
TweenCamera Test Place
TweenCamera Model

If model reaches the marketplace shares limit, please don’t hesitate to leave a reply.

Thanks to everyone who will use this in their game. I really appreciate your support! Please don’t hate on me for making the code really bad, I’m not the best scripter. I tried my best to make this. It was also requested by others in a recent post regarding this model. Thanks for all of the people who inspired me to create this!


Hey! I love how you do this, continue this way, really. I’ll check this out just right now and probably try editing the code if any improvement can be made, or if any bug is found.

By the way, even if you open-source it, I’d suggest you to add a link to a donation page. Remember to try to keep this one post alive as, as good as this is, I’m sure many people will find it useful in the future.


Thanks! About the bugs, I’ve already found a few while testing. My main game uses a custom shift-lock script and some other camera improvements and I couldn’t see that when entering first person your character will stay visible and shift-lock won’t work. I’ll be fixing it straight away when I have time. About the donations, It’s a great idea, but I don’t really want to do it or force people to watch ads/look at the donation page/game first before getting the script. I might make a separate game only for donations and just add a link to it on the bottom of this post. Also, this code is already open-source. Anyone can edit it or contribute. Also, once again I’m sorry to everyone, this is my first post on the community resources category. I will be improving my text and etc. For now, I will be keeping the version to 1.0 until I actually make a noticeable update. I’ve already updated it a few times, but it’s not the code. I just updated the test place because it was bugged, made the script inside a folder which says to put in replicated storage. Fixed really minor spelling mistakes in the comments of the script and other really small details no one’s gonna notice.

Once again thank you very much if you are using this model. I really appreciate it. My coding skills are not the best, but I’m trying to build up my reputation. I have to start from somewhere, else I will not achieve my dream I have been chasing my whole life.


it is very similar to

i am however a big fan of this camera type as i think the camera is great for making an illusion of you going way faster than you actually are and i like it in general


Thanks for sharing. I will look into that and try to improve the code. It looks like that person used :Lerp() and not Tween Service. There is a big difference between them, usually Tween Service can handle this much better, also you can customize more stuff like the easing direction and style. Lerping is more edgy and sharp, it’s really noticeable in games with a lot of camera movement. Anyways, once again thanks for sharing this. I will look into it!

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can you please please please open-source your custom shiftlock aswell <3

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I’m making a Sonic game, so that is exactly what I want to happen! xD

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Yeah sure, I’m sorry that I went into nowhere the past months. School hit me hard this year and I couldn’t give Roblox as much attention as I did before. I will open source it one day. I will try this week, if you need it fast without any comments or anything feel free to pm me, I’ll send u the text file with the whole script, but it might seem confusing or unusuable because it’s not optimized for any game, but only for a set game with custom scripts. Most of my modules currently rely on a script that is old and begs for a rework. I will probably open source that as well because it’s a great idea. (easier access for player data, just tell the module the value u need and u will get it). Thanks for giving me some support by commenting on the post, I will soon return and start developing again. I’ve not lost hope in Roblox yet (even if the recent clothing updates are absolutely ridiculous, like how can you make a naked avatar with everything exposed and not get banned, like roblox cmon what the hell…)

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For a game like that maybe you can just play with the FOV values, it makes the effect of speed and going faster than you actually are. You can also add some UI effects for even extra illusion. You can also add trails and other effect, particles or whatever you like to the character. If you use a script that uses a value for sprinting (values is most of the times in the player and indicates if he is sprinting or not, aka true or false) then you can easily use :GetPropertyChangedSignal() to make that happen. If the new value is true then add the effects if they are not there, and if its false then remove the effects if they are there. That’s pretty much it. There might be a better method to make this, this is what I know and use. Playing with values is cool and fun, but to make a full script you might need a lot of them, and by a lot, I mean A LOT. Also if the game is going to be 2D there is no way to make the player seem faster, the main effect comes from the camera FOV, everything else is side effects that don’t really matter. Well good luck on your game, I hope my creation helped you, I will be updating some of it soon to add some new stuff I had in mind and maybe improving it.

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Thanks for the tips, though I’m mostly just using the Sonic Sound Engine and adding and changing stuff through there.


This is really great, i’ve been studying elements that make a game seem “Triple A” or professionally made. Camera behavior was a major part of it. This is exactly what i was looking for, however, it may be only on my end, but theres an occasional pause in the camera’s movement, almost appearing as lag. the game itself doesn’t lag, instead just the script. It’s really short and occasional, but very annoying when it does happen. Not sure if anyone else has this bug. I’m not the best scripter, so i’d appreciate if you could look into it. Thanks!!

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This module is great! But when will you fix the first person bug and the shift-lock? I really need the Shift-Lock fix or maybe someone else can fix it instead?

If i use this, the camera gives a choppy effect when rotating or moving, seems very broken