After searching for hours on Google to try and find a simple tweening function, my search ended in failure. If anyone could help by providing some assistance with a tweening function for either a single number or a Vector3, that’d be much appreciated.
I’m working on a camera manipulation system that I would like to add Character leaning to. To accomplish this, the best way is to tween a Vector3 or a number so that the main camera equation doesn’t experience movement bugs.
Note: TweenService requires an object and I would rather not go through the trouble of creating a hacky way to support it.
To tween a simple Vector3 or integer, you can always tween things like a NumberValue, Vector3Value, or CFrameValue. When tweening them, you’ll need a very fast loop to edit the Camera properties relative to these values in their tween. Just keep in mind you should always stop the loop after it’s done.
The problem with that is I would rather not have an external object that my scripts rely on. Hence why I’m asking for an internal function. However, I will probably have to use this option. Thank you for the help.
You could try creating table that gets appended to with tween information every time you create a new tween. Then have a function that calculates all of the tweens based off of that information at renderstep. But it would be much easier to use tweenservice on values.
I found this kind of function while googling it as a Quadratic In/Out tween. However, I was unable to figure out how to implement that into a functional tween system.
TweenService has a function specifically for getting tween alphas, TweenService:GetValue. You can use that to tween integers like so:
int1 = 5
int2 = 10
local i = 0
while i < 1 do
i = math.clamp(i + --[[ increment ]],0,1)
local a = TweenService:GetValue(i,--[[ EasingStyle ]],--[[ EasingDirection ]])
--rounds to the nearest integer
local tweenInt = math.round(int1*(1 - a) + int2*a)
--[[ normal number tween looks like this
local tweenNumber = num1*(1 - a) + num2*a
And you can do the same with Vector3s:
local v1 =,0,0)
local v2 =,10,0)
local i = 0
while i < 1 do
i = math.clamp(i + --[[ increment ]],0,1)
local a = TweenService:GetValue(i,--[[ EasingStyle ]],--[[ EasingDirection ]])
local tweenVector = v1*(1 - a) + v2*a
You can tween a number linearly by using a + (b - a)*c where a and b are your start and finish and c is your alpha (some decimal at or between 0 and 1).
You can also use CFrame:lerp(cf,c) and Vector3:Lerp(v3,c) to lerp their respective userdatas.
Finally, you can convert c to run on another tween style, like so:
local c = .75
c = .5 - .5 * math.cos(math.pi*c) -- throw our first val into the conversion formula
>> .853553390593
That example was a in-out sine curve. Afterwards you would throw that final c variable into your lerp function, and the outcome will be your current value.
But in all honesty, you should use what goldenstein says and go with TweenService. It’ll save you a ton of time, only if you use the actual TweenService:Create() function though.
local i = 0;
while i < 1 do
i = math.clamp(i + 1/60,0,1)
local a = game:GetService("TweenService"):GetValue(i,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut);
CameraPos.Value = CameraPos.Value*(1-a)+CAMERALEANLEFT*a;
I made an uncopylocked bezier curve simulator that uses this very lerp functions. You can view it here.
Anyways you simply run a for loop, and every iteration, you adjust the value of something. For example:
local Increment = 1/10 --How detailed your lerp will be. 1/10 = 0.1.
local StartVector =, 5, 5)
local EndVector =, 20, 25)
local Part = workspace.Part --Assuming there is already a part there
function Lerp(a, b, c)
return a + ((b - a) * c)
for Fraction = 0, 1, Increment do --1/0.1 = 10 iterations
Part.Position = Lerp(StartVector, EndVector, Fraction)
Fraction and Increment will always be between or equal to 0 and 1. When Increment at 0, the part will be at the StartVector. When Increment is at 1, the part will be the the EndVector.
Use a bool variable that is true when the Lerp is playing. Only allow another Lerp to occur when the bool is false. I used this technique when experiencing overriding tweens, which solved the problem.
Or just use the :Lerp() function or TweenService whilst using the bool / debounce technique.
After attempting each of these responses, I’ve found that using the Vector3 Object Value is much easier than attempting any internal equations. (As well as that, these equations are “laggy” and I can’t change the speed without compensating for detail)
Um, I know it’s been 2 years, so I’m probably too late. But for all the people who found this later. pretty much all of the advice here, (at least of what I’ve seen) is kinda either spaghetti-ish or outdated
here’s how how you can tween a camera with a few lines of code
Not sure why this thread was bumped but you can get a tweened value with TweenService:GetValue, similar to linear interpolation where you pass the initial, goal and alpha and get an eased result.