Tweening on y axis only while gradually moving on x axis

so what i want to achieve is really simple on paper: the same animation of the times out screen of pizza tower heres an example
so what i want is a parabolic effect like that one on my object (inside a viewportframe)

what i tried so far is to use tweenservice for the y axis with the easingtype back, so it would go slightly upward and then fall. for the x axis i just need a linear cframe increment to go to the left side, problem is the increment doesnt happen because i think the tween is overriding it. rn i have the target part where the object moves to with the tween exactly under it because if i moved it on x axis instead of bouncing up it would go diagonal

what happens if i use a tween for y axis and one for x right after:

(the y tween gets overridden by the x tween)

what happens if i use only the y axis tween with a cframe movement to left:

(cframe movement gets overridden by ongoing tween)

what happens if i use only one tween but move the target slightly left:

(the easingstyle back overshooting is diagonal and looks bad)

i rly dont know what to do here so i beg for help

This tutorial may, hopefully, give you some ideas on how to achieve your goal.

yooo nice thats just what i needed tysm
egomoose be cookin

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