Tweens lagging, but gameplay works as normal

I’ve just started to notice that outside of studio, Tweening on items such as a pulsing effect on a part seem to stutter/jitter slightly. This spikes and resolves itself at random and only happens for certain people.
Only tweening is doing this, while it happens there are no frame drops.

Actions are performed every few seconds, the fastest loop waits for 2.

The tweening is looped and handled on the server, should I switch it to client instead?
Note this does not happen inside of studio.

Yes, switch to the client. Tweening/special effects should always be done on the client whenever possible. In this way, the quality of the effects will be relative to the client based on their network strength/hardware/etc.

I had this issue a few months ago as well and found significant improvement in animations/tweens when I switched over to the client:


Thanks, I’ll keep this in mind for the background stuff.

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