Metatables inherently isn’t a value type, they’re just normal tables assigned to another table to give functionality so I don’t think they would add such
although a solution if you really need to
type func = type(function() end)
type metatable = {
__index : func | {any},
__newindex : func : {any},
__call : func,
__tostring : func,
__metatable : string,
__mode : string
local function getmetatable(...) : metatable?
return getmetatable(...)
can you explain the logical thought process of the computer when you tell it to do something using “::” (assertion) because while i can understand the other type operator on a basic level, the way you explained it using “this works” “this does not work” formula for assertion had me on the ropes
Great tutorial!
I knew a little about type setting but couldn’t figure out how to define types within Tables for a long time, great lesson. Thank you very much!
Only problem I have is how would I get these types globally recognized by server and client scripts?
I found out one of the ways via the Luau documentation (export keyword)
I managed to use this post, coolalex1835’s + 7z99’s reply and the Luau documentation OP linked to construct a rudimentary custom type called “Command” based off of CMDR. It’s a bit confusing to learn this stuff though.
Custom Type - Command
Type Definition Script (ServerScriptService → ModuleScript)
-- Type Definitions
-- Export this type with the Module Script so that we can access it. Not *necessary* but useful just in case
export type executable = (player : Player | nil, args : {string}) -> boolean
export type command = {
Name : string,
HasMetatableAccess : boolean | nil,
Exec : executable,
metatable : {any} | nil
} | nil
-- Type Constructors
local Command = {}
Command.New = function(name : string, metatableAccess : boolean, Exec : executable, metatable : {} | nil) : command
local c : command = {}
c.Name = name
c.HasMetatableAccess = metatableAccess
c.Exec = Exec
c.metatable = metatable
return c
return Command
Example Command using the Type Definition:
-- Require the Command Definition
local c = require(script.Parent.Command)
-- Create an Execute Function (that follows the Executable type)
function Execute(p : Player | nil, args : {string} | nil) : boolean
return true
-- Construct and Return the command
return c.New("test", false, Execute, {})
Third Script to create and execute the command:
local c = require(script.Parent.TestCommand)
c.Exec(nil, {"does", "this", "work", "yet???"}) -- will print the table.
Something else to note which I found really cool is that type checking skills also transfer to the Swift Programming Language that was developed by Apple (doing a uni module with it included). This tutorial has been an invaluable tool that has taken me between several programming languages and helped me throughout my time at university so far.
local Value : any = 5
print(Value + 1) -- This will shout at us because we have Value set to any, this means its not sure if this should be possible or not, this is where assertion comes in:
print((Value::number) + 1) -- This will work because we asserted that this would be possible, via setting its type to number.
-- Remember! assertion only applys for that operation if I were to now do
print(Value + 1) -- It would still shout at us