Type mismatch error invalid

While coding a helper service for a game I am working on I have run into an invalid error with studio’s code analyzer. I am checking if a variable exists and if not setting it to true (as a default to true variable in a function) and the code analyzer flags it for “type mismatch: nil and boolean” which is improper because if I simply check for if the variable is false the nil AND manually specified false would satisfy the condition so I must check for either nil or boolean false.

The code in question is as follows:

ApolloIndex.PlayerAdded = function(self,func,RunOnChildren)
	if not self or self ~= Apollo then
		error("Attempting to index a method.")
	if not func then
		error("Missing parameter 1: Handler Function")
	elseif typeof(func) ~= "function" then
		error("Invalid parameter 1: Must be a function")
	if typeof(RunOnChildren) == "nil" then
		--error("Missing parameter 2: Run Function On Children")
		RunOnChildren = true --Invalid type mismatch error, ignore studio's complaint here.
	elseif typeof(RunOnChildren) ~= "boolean" then
		error("Invalid parameter 2: Must be a boolean")
	local ConnectionGUID = Apollo:GUID(false)
	local Connection = Apollo:Connect(Apollo.Players.PlayerAdded,func,function() if PlayersAddedConnections[ConnectionGUID] then PlayersAddedConnections[ConnectionGUID] = nil end end)
	PlayersAddedConnections[ConnectionGUID] = Connection
	if RunOnChildren then
		local Plrs = Apollo.Players:GetPlayers()
		for i=1,#Plrs do
			local succ,err = pcall(function() func(Plrs[i]) end)
			if not succ then Connection:Disconnect() error(err) end
	return Connection,ConnectionGUID

A screenshot of this error is here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/AZYfaDrqkahFDcVCA

This is a known issue. The type checker for strong types is in beta and has a number of false positives. See Luau Type Checking Beta! for more information on this.

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