UGC avatar bundle validations unable to pass

As of today, UGC avatar bundles have a hard time passing Studio’s validation checks. Even previously uploaded avatars that passed validation before can no longer be validated and uploaded to the Avatar Marketplace.

I have cross-checked with reports from two other creators @Akusesa and @EthRonArt, who are experiencing the same issue.

These are the errors that I get from a previously uploaded avatar:

These are the errors that @Akusesa gets from one of his own avatars:

It’s worth noting that for both of us, we have 12 errors; it says that we have ‘2304’ triangles and vertex colors in all of our body part meshes, but these are not true. It also says there are invalid UV values for our cage meshes but our cage mesh UVs are untouched. It is not using the correct data from our avatars.


It seems like the validation system is incorrectly flagging accurate data. Hopefully, this can be addressed, as it’s impacting multiple creators to publish bundles.

The reported errors regarding triangle counts, vertex colors, and cage mesh UVs are identical to other creators reports.

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