My first ever UGC Concept I made!

:raising_hand_man:How the idea came to me

The other day I was thinking I should make a UGC concept. Being a cousin of many musical family members and having friends that are musical artists as well, I saw it fitting to make something musical. I did some research and I found a couple ideas online, and I thought they are so cool so I just had to make it.

:bulb: The Concept

What do you guys think?

:page_facing_up: Twitter Post

If you would like to check out the actual post on twitter you can here. I just didn’t want to put a post in your face, so you can like it if you want at the link.


Um, its hard to say but to me it looks… AMAZING! I LOVE THE TEXTURE OF IT & THE NICE DESIGNS, I am gonna give it a 11/10!

Nice work :sunglasses: Teach me one day :smiley:


It’s really good! You did a great job, congrats.

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Looks very cool, can’t see anything wrong with it.

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Maybe :thinking: Thank you though I appreciate it.

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Thank you so much man! Greatly appreciated.

Neither can I :sunglasses: thank you though :joy:

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Wow! I LOVE it! I’d totally wear it on my avatar :happy3:


If only I could post it :cry: I’d use it as well.

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It looks amazing and is original!

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Thank you! Yeah, you can thank Pinterest for the concept art I used. I just looked it up and made it.

I love this! I think it is very creative, never seen any accessories like this on Roblox, or anywhere.

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Hey as a ytber I would love to help you get into the UGC Program! Dm me on discord DeMasterYT#1234