Ugc hat not working properly (Made in studio)

Isn’t that only for tools?

actually, it probably is only for tools.

ill add an attachment but where and what to name it?

I’m pretty sure it goes into the main part and if you look inside your character while playing your game in studio you can see the attachments it should be inside the head and have a name like hat attachment

should I keep the original position variable that is inside the other attachment named HatAttachment?

Sorry, I was suggesting playing the game to get the name but that works aderlating you can remove the position from the variable inside the hat

its still not working, but i have an idea, ill see what makes my slime head attach.

i just used everything from my other catalog hat and it still doesn’t work, I am very confused

You can try plugin called assest creator it make the attachment easily

But to use it with alot parts make main part and but all things inside it and weld them

I don’t know if a want to get a plugin i got rid of all of mine recently because of some random thing i heard about getting your account stolen

Assest creator is good and famous i use it as ugc creator

ok, I guess ill get it. hopefully it works

i just got it, put the parts into the handle and made it into an asset. I still had the same problem

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Are any of the parts anchored?

none of the parts are anchored.

This post fits better in #help-and-feedback:building-support or #help-and-feedback:art-design-support

sorry for that, im new to the forum.

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It’s fine, i’m pretty sure you can move threads. Here’s how you do it.

Do you made a weld between it and dummy or part in it ?

the welds are only connected to each other