UI gradient not working

Hello there,
I’m trying to make a nice gui with some text as a gradient color, but when I put a UiGradient into the text label it changes the background not the actual text, how do I fix this?
Screenshot 2021-06-01 174859 Screenshot 2021-06-01 174839


UI gradient is for the background

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I saw somebody do it for the text, is there any other way to do it to the text?

UIGradient [LIVE] - #8 by Hexcede here you could probobly ask EpicWalnut5 as he made the text UI gradient i’ve seen

  1. Set the text label background transparency to 1
  2. Change the text color to white (255,255,255)

This should fix the problem you’re encountering.


Hey, might be too late.

The way they do it is by adding a frame as a background, placing the textlabel as a different element, setting the textLabel’s BackgroundTransparency to 1, and adding the UI Gradient to the textLabel.

Hope this works the best for you.