Ui is going crazy in studio!

Hello! I am new to ui and have created some ui in figma and imported it to roblox. Although it looks good, It is very different on other devices. Ive tried using the Auto Scale Lite plugin, But that does not help. Nothing works for me. Here is the ui I made:

I hope someone can help me fix this!

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Did you set the position and size to scale and not offset.

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use the autoscale lite plugin :+1:

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Also here’s a great dev forum post about ui scaling: Complete, Comprehensive Roblox UI Scaling Guide

As @7538SAV said,
Make sure you are using offset, not scale.
Perfect properties for this gui would be

AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0, 0.5) -- Centers on Y 0.5
Position = UDim2.new(0, X, 0.5, 0) -- X is offset from left corner in pixels perfect around 0 - 30 pixels
Size = UDim2.new(0, X, 0, Y) -- Get X and Y from AbsoluteSize properties.
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How would I change my ui to offset?

In my previous reply, I provided new Position and Size properties, its all in UDim2 (in studio looks like {0,0},{0,0})
first and third value of UDim 2 is called offset and changes GUI size using current screen size, for example UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0) (highlighted scale properties there) will cover 1/4 of them screen. Lets say we have 2000x2000 screen and 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0 as UDim2, each screen dimension gets multiplied by 0.5, resulting in 1000x1000 GUI size. When you are using offset, GUI scaling will be the same on every possible screen.

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How would I change all my gui to offset? Is it somewhere in the properties?? Im new to gui, So I don’t know much.


I see there is a offset property in size, What do I change it to?

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