UI moving around a circle?

Hi, I just wanted to know if it was possible to make a UI move in a circular motion like the sun/moon cycle in Terraria. I want an imagelabel to go around the circumference of the circle. I have no clue how this can be done.


Please take a look at this post: How would i rotate a Frame in a circle? - #3 by TopBagon

You can do that with a bezier curve. You would make 3 points just off to the left, top and right of the screen, and then just lerp the sun:

local run = game:GetService("RunService")

local sun = script.Parent.Frame

--create the 3 points
local p1 = UDim2.fromScale(-0.2,0.4) 
local p2 = UDim2.fromScale(0.5,-0.2)
local p3 = UDim2.fromScale(1.2,0.4)

local function lerp(t)
	local cumulative = 0
	while cumulative < t do
		cumulative += run.Heartbeat:Wait()
		--make sure we use time scale from 0-1
		local d = cumulative/t
        --get current positions from p1 to p2 and from p2 to p3
		local x = p1:Lerp(p2,d)
		local y = p2:Lerp(p3,d)
		--set the sun's position to current position from x to y
		sun.Position = x:Lerp(y,d)
--you can send the length of the animation or simply have it as a variable somewhere above

this is too inefficient, you’re better off using sin & cos

You could just rotate with:


or if it rotates the orther direction then:
