Hello Developers! I’m trying to do UIs, but there is a problem, for an unknown reason it doesn’t scale proplerly.
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I just want do the UI systen more simple, as is difficult to do a UI shows like in studio at the game.
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
The problem is the size that shows in Studio is not the same at the game, in the game the UI goes whereever it wants, like it doesn’t shows like in studio.
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I tried searching on the Devforum.
I’m tired of having UIs on any part, when in studio it shows where it should be, is more complex than it should be, I hope you can help me.
So there are two types of ways to define UDim shape and size. Scale, and offset. When it is set to offset, in studio if the screen is smaller, it will always be 5 pixels to the left, if you have it that way. If set to scale, it will retain the same position across all screen sizes
In the properties, for position and size, the first {} is the X. {a, b} with a as scale and b as offset. The same is for the other pair which is Y. Here is the scaling plugin I use AutoScale Lite - Roblox