UI size problem

I have a problem getting my GUI to size correctly to different players screen resolutions. Does anyone know a easy way to fix this. I have already tired using UISizeConstraints and UIScale to no avail.

Already tried this plugin, to no avail.

If you’re not going to use the AutoScale plugin, you could try setting the size/position to 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0. After that, just rescale/position it from there, and it should be scaled correctly on all devices.

I’ll give this a try and get back to you.

No luck. unfortunately. Still having problems scaling the GUI.

Use scale instead of offset. Because pixels are not a fixed size (pixel is offset and are the fundamental build parts of screens). Instead use scale because that is a percentage size so if you make x to 0.5 then it will be half the screen for all devices no matter their size

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When I am designing UI, I do it starting from PC, and switch between PC and test view for iPhone 7 to see how it looks for smaller screens as I design. Use Scale instead of Offset for sizing the UI elements, and they will usually scale correctly and look decent. The main thing is to design for mobile first, and do testing while you’re designing the UI.

UISizeConstraints would only constrain the size of the UI so that it doesn’t fall outside the given boundary. UIScale multiplies the size. You wouldn’t really need this unless you want to add a limit to how big or small the UI is. The Roblox Developer website provides more information about this.

On another note, if you want the UI to size correctly on other devices, try using the plugin @octav20071 posted again. Click on the UI element, load the plugin, press the convert button and press scale for both positon and size. Are you sure you have done this?