New icon 1: download icon
New icon 2: updated VR icon
Hope in V10 these new icons should be added
What you use to see icons. It doesn’t just Roblox’ imageset
Maybe I add self-update feature (like in old version, but easier)
I mean:
- There are new icon pack.
- You paste pastebin code ID (or something else)
- All is updated!
Now I working on UI size fixes and huge UI redesign and animations (how many times I write “redesign” word?)
You mean add icons from lua file, GetImageSetData.lua
I saw this, so I think plugin can get config file from github, image sets from local files! (Finnaly autoupdate!
Are you now working on V10 that includes autoupdate of icons?
Of course! Maybe I add additional list appearance (I mean tiles layout)
How to insert the icons and elements…?
When will V10 be released? I’m excited about the major UI redesign and hopefully, the icon autoupdate.
If selected object isn’t imagelabel (button), it will be inserted
Literary one-two days! Plugin script need to rewrite (it very messy now)
I’m sorry, due to some difficulties autoupdate will not be in V10
Until you find a possible way to implement autoupdate of icons, are you will be just adding new & updated icons?
What did you mean some difficulties?
If the icon file updates, the old rectsize will stay. Images just will be a glitch
Shouldn’t the RectSize also automatically update? You said you have 2 - 3 days left so you have time to edit that file responsible for automatic icon updating with the ImageRectSize property to be automatically update it’s position
Did you test this planned new feature?
No, if imageset is update, old configuration will be incorrect. I don’t want to add in place localscripts, server scripts, remote events just for autoupdate
If I find feature for reading local roblox player lua files (GetImageSetData.lua), I can implent offline autoupdate without some in-game scripts
Will V10 add new & updated icons?