UICorner not updating after applying to ScrollingFrame in Roblox Studio

I have encountered a bug in Roblox Studio where the UICorner instance fails to update properly when applied to a ScrollingFrame. The UICorner appears to work correctly on other UI elements, but when added to a ScrollingFrame, it does not update its appearance.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create a new Roblox Studio project.
  2. Insert ScreenGui into the StarterGui class.
  3. Insert a ScrollingFrame underneath ScreenGui.
  4. Insert a Frame inside the ScrollingFrame.
  5. Apply a UICorner instance to the Frame.
  6. Adjust the Corner Radius property of the UICorner to a non-zero value.
  7. Preview the game or test the UI within Roblox Studio.

Expected behavior

The ScrollingFrame should have rounded corners based on the corner radius specified in the UICorner object.

Actual Behavior

The ScrollingFrame does not update visually with rounded corners. It appears as if the UICorner has no effect on the ScrollingFrame.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Medium
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2023-06-12 00:10:00 (UTC-3)
Date Last Experienced: 2023-07-09 00:57:00 (UTC-3)


It is working on frames inside of the ScrollingFrame, but not the ScrollingFrame itself.

1 Like

I believe this is intentional.

(UICorner [Live])


After reading everything, it truly seems that it is intentional and may update in the future. Well, thank you for providing this information!


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