UiCorner vs Rounded image

Basically,I am now using UiCorner to round the ui cuz I am lazy.
I want to ask if too many “UiCorner” will make the game lags.
Is it better to use a Rounded image instead of UiCorner?

Not really. The UI corner just helps you round labels and images, and have minimal to no impact to your game’s performance. I would suggest using that instead of rounded images because you can customize the UI corner to how steep you want the corner to be.


if you use a rounded image, then you scale it will mess up.


from the UI corner post.
Unless your goal is mega optimization though, UI corner is probably fine. Like if you have 200+ UI corner elements, then maybe consider rounded images

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I’ve been using UICorner instead of rounded images and have literally seen no performance issue or difference, even with a lot of them.