UI's Position and Scale Glitching Out?

Randomly, today, some of the UI placement in my game broke on only mobile devices. Within Studio itself, on any screen emulator, it looks completely fine. But sometimes, in-game, some of it gets completely misaligned:

(Note the top left and bottom right UI)

I even asked my friend with a different phone if he was having the same issue, and he was.
When I tried doing some testing and re-published the game with a solid background to some of the UI elements, it fixed itself, even though I didn’t alter the position or size or anything at all.

(Note the top left and bottom right UI)

…but sometimes, it still broke on its own, depending on if I rejoined or not:

I’m not sure why this is happening. I suspect this might be a Roblox glitch or something, because I’m not messing with any position or size values on my own.
I have AutomaticSize set to None, all of my positions and sizes are using Scale instead of Offset, and no scripts that I have should be altering how it appears like this.
Has anyone else experienced this before? Does anyone know how I could fix this?

Maybe it has to do with the anchor points?

That didn’t seem to work, sadly. I tried adjusting the anchor points, and even set the position and scale through a script, but even that didn’t work.

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Could you provide a screenshot of your explorer?The only explanation I can provide is that those top left elements aren’t scaled, or your UI is not properly structured.

Yeah it’s a bug : GUI Size via Scale results in Incorrect Size


I’m not an expert so the next step I would do is report it to roblox staff and explain the bug and hopefully they could fix it in the future