Roblox renders the UI per frame, which means calculation for the clipping, et cetera is done per frame as well. Applying another layer which is UI blurring will increase the stress for the client’s device, and will be really intensive in terms of performance if there is a lot of elements (a lot of textlabels behind the blur), or a few viewportframes.
Not sure though, that is what I heard while discussing with a dev.
Whenever I go a far distance away from a billboard GUI (The nametag in this scenario) the border gets bigger and bigger and you can barely see the text. (note: I didn’t enable it on this billboard UI and on my regular UI it stays the same and doesn’t have the same issue to my knowledge)
This is awesome! I’ve been waiting for this ever since it was announced.
I’ve noticed when testing that stroke for different characters overlap like this:
Also, the UIGradient implementation is very useful as well. However, I’m wondering if we could have a way to do some sort of stroke shadow effect as seen here:
I would just like to clarify that what I’m requesting is solely a blur effect that affects content in 3D-space. I would never expect Roblox to go through the trouble of blurring 2D content/UI itself. You have no argument from me there - that would run like garbage.
I can reproduce this locally using a BillboardGui with TextScaled text and TextStroke set. It looks like it only happens while the beta is enabled, I’ll look into fixing it. Thanks for the report.
How will you ensure the blur effect won’t cause any sort of “Jank” for low-end devices with an integrated GPU, like an Intel HD 5500?
Relying on CPU to calculate the blur effect will not be anywhere ideal, considering you have to take an image of the game itself and do the actual calculation to figure out where the blur should be. If you are using UICorner, that will be like 2x the performance overhead from the UICorner itself, along with the performance overhead from the blurring effect.
Why would 2D blur run any worse than 3D? To me 2D blur sounds like it would take a similar computation to the 3D blur strategy you propose: just that you have to render a few extra pixels around the edges of frames even if they are occluded to apply the blur
@nana_kon Why would a UI Frame based blur effect lag but not the Lighting BlurEffect?
How will you ensure the blur effect won’t cause any sort of “Jank” for low-end devices with an integrated GPU, like an Intel HD 5500?
You’re seriously underestimating what a modern day cpu can and cannot handle. If a user is using a low-end device and can’t handle said instance maybe it’s time we get a proper way to handle graphic settings. You can’t punish the developers working to achieve quality because you’re using outdated hardware.
Why would 2D blur run any worse than 3D? To me 2D blur sounds like it would take a similar computation to the 3D blur strategy you propose: just that you have to render a few extra pixels around the edges of frames even if they are occluded to apply the blur
Gonna be level with you, I wasn’t quite all there while typing my original reply (doing 17 things at once - hooray!). You have a completely valid point.
How will you ensure the blur effect won’t cause any sort of “Jank” for low-end devices with an integrated GPU, like an Intel HD 5500?
Frankly, I’m of the belief that Roblox needs to go through and expose proper graphical settings to the end user so we can stop pandering to devices that are almost a decade old, but that’s a different discussion.
I’ve written unoptimized, poorly-managed, software accelerated C# code when I first started programming (over 10 years ago on an intel i3 2nd gen with no GPU) that can apply neat effects to your screen live using a basic GDI capture.