Unable to delete role in my group

I was trying to see if I could delete this role on my group and I noticed that there was a bug. It says there is no members in this role but when I go to configurations it says 1 person in the role. In the group page it says “Pending (1)”, pending is the role and there says there is 1 person inside it. Ive tried looking online but couldnt find answers.

Definitely a bug.

If you look through all users in the new(ish) dashboard, are you able to find the user who has the Pending role?

You can find the dashboard for the relevant group here:

(This is a hypothesis so it might not be true)

Roblox has a habit of hiding users if they’re banned, it’s possible Roblox is also doing that here. Your best bet is either to use the new dashboard to see if they pop up there, or use the group APIs to see if its a hidden user.

If you want to API browse, you need to use these APIs:

  1. https://groups.roblox.com/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles
    Look for the Role ID of the role you’re looking for

  2. https://groups.roblox.com/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles/{roleSetId}/users
    If there’s a user here, there’s your hidden user, if not, send a bug report to Roblox, something is broken

  3. https://groups.roblox.com/v1/groups/{groupId}/users/{userId}
    If the user is there, you’ll want to use this API to move the user to a new role ID. This needs to be sent with a PATCH request so you cant do that just by navigating to a page, send it with the JSON body:

  "roleId": 0 // the new role ID to set the user to

You don’t need to have perms in the group to check it. The link for the relevent role is:


As you can see, it is blank (although there are now 2 players showing in the role, with a total of 3 being displayed, so it is still bugged)

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Theres too much members to search through it

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Bumping this. My friend has been experiencing the same issue.

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