Unable to drag layered ui

I don’t have a screen recorder, so I’ll try to explain it to the best of my ability.

I have this frame on top of an invisible frame, whenever I try to drag the black box (Zindex = 10000), it keeps selecting the frame below it.

In this image, I attempt to select the box, but it selects the invisible frame (Zindex = 0)

In older versions, I was able to drag it freely without the invisible frame interfering

Expected behavior

In previous versions, if there was a Frame that had a higher Zindex, I would be able to drag the Frame at the higher ZIndex without selecting the invisible frame.

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Are those two UI elements under different ScreenGuis? If so, the one that the engine renders above will take precedence, no matter how high the ZIndex was set for the ones it overlays.

I can assure you this bug happens with objects in the same ScreenGui, container etc.

I think this is the same bug reported here:

Have you tried making all the ZIndex’s the same? That seems to fix it in the repro file that’s given in the above post.


oops, maybee I should’ve used the search bar