Unable to insert small bundle id into studio

I’ve been trying to insert a bundle into my game and for some reason, it doesn’t load it? I took the torso from it, which has a longer id and it loaded that.


Anyone know a way to load small ids? I tried another small id bundle, also 3 characters long and that didn’t load either.

Here is a file with the Mummy bundle
Mummy.rbxl (25,8 Ko)



Thank you, but I’m trying to get my hands on the R15 version

It’s been 2 years, so I doubt that you are still looking for a solution, but I’m writing this reply in case anyone comes across this post.

You can try using Stickmasterluke’s plugin (Wear Bundle - Roblox). It should provide you with both the R6 and R15 version of any bundle after putting its ID. Check out his post for more information about how it works: How do I insert a package with the new "Bundles" asset type? - #5 by Stickmasterluke

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