Unable to Use Draggers in Studio


I’m just here to report a bug. I’m currently unable to select anything using the Tools in studio. It also seems like I’m able to have multiple Tools selected at once. I’m not sure what’s going on. It started when I reopened studio around 2 or 3 hours ago I believe. In the video below, I’m clicking my mouse multiple times. Is anyone else having this problem?


Best way to fix this for now is to open studio via the program on your PC home page. Going through any ‘Edit’ button in the place or Create Tab fails. Not sure why this happens.

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Yes, me too, I tried reporting this here to the forum but it wasn’t accepted because it had not many details but yeah it happens to me sometimes.

The fix for it is reopening the file/game.


Ah, for me even that fails 100% of the time. Only boots properly (meshes appear, tools work, toolbox opens) when I go in through Studio on my home page.

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That fixed it after an attempt or two. Still, not sure why this happens.


Just a little hint, for me it used to fix it but after about… I’d say 10 - 15 tries, it begins to fail no matter what. For me it now only works via my home page, or by reinstalling studio all together. ((just in case this starts happening for you or anybody else reading this))

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