Unable to view Developer Products or create new products

Developer Products are not loading for our experience

We could not see the products that we have uploaded before on the website. In the studio, it also failed to load the products, and when we created new products, it showed an error.

Expected behavior

We want to see all the products and create new products.


Already reported:

Going to mention @HighwireAerialist even though they haven’t been online for a while as they addressed a similar issue:

It’s disappointing that this hasn’t been resolved despite being reported months ago; quite a severe issue

Thanks, we have had the issue for 3 weeks. Hope it could be resolved quickly.

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Here’s a plugin that should help until this it’s fixed, however this has been an issue for a long time and still not fixed. :neutral_face:

Ugh, this is so annoying @Roblox needs to fix this.

This is a roblox bug, it seems to occur for me when I got over 20 or 25 I think devproducts. Now I can’t edit them!

Hi - i’m pushing out a short term fix to unblock this page. This is because at some point, a developer product was created and a subsequent call to create the economy product (a separate entity) failed. Because these operations aren’t atomic, your game is left in a state where some dev products don’t have corresponding economy products.

I am pushing a fix to filter out faulty products so this page loads correctly. However, this comes with the caveat that the names used by the faulty dev product cannot be reused again until a long term fix is established.

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