Union bug, When negating a cylinder shifts out of aliment

Whats happening?
The negated cylinder is duplicated from the original cylinder and when negated the cylinder shifts out of aliment as shown in the picture bellow. This will lead to not having a perfect negated cylinder cut to the original cylinder.

When I encountered the bug?
I noticed it just now. I had this problem early this morning with this same thing happening but didn’t realize it was this problem

Example when duplicated

CylinderAligningProbWhenNegating.rbxl (25.3 KB)

Repro Steps:

  • Insert a cylinder
  • Negate

Expected behavior: Position of negation is same as the original cylinder

Actual behavior: Position of negation is different from the original size

When you go bigger scale it shows the most effect as shown in the gifs

Example of the cylinder bug when negated


Not Negated Properties (Properties of the gif’s cylinder)


When cylinder negated Properties (Properties of the gif’s cylinder)


The only thing I see that changed is the Size from 193.8 to 193.05

Picture of my settings.

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There is a topic specifically for CSG failures:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: CSG Failures