you can try getting the components that make up the Color:
local Colors = Color3Value.Value
print(Colors.R, Color.G, Colors.B)
you can try getting the components that make up the Color:
local Colors = Color3Value.Value
print(Colors.R, Color.G, Colors.B)
Yes, they return as Decimals, do this:
This should give you the intended color
I’ll try setting each one to the R,G,B individually
As obvious as it may seem, have you tried using
yet instead of Color3.fromRGB()
I don’t see any other reason that the parts would be black unless you are setting the values incorrectly here.
R is not a valid member of Color3Value "Workspace.Nations.Byzantine Empire.Color"
tried province.UsePartColor = true
province.Color.R = math.floor(Color.Value.R*255)
province.Color.G = math.floor(Color.Value.G*255)
province.Color.B = math.floor(Color.Value.B*255)',
got 19:58:20.032 R cannot be assigned to - Server - ColorHandler:14
19:58:20.033 Stack Begin - Studio
19:58:20.033 Script 'Workspace.ColorHandler', Line 14 - Studio - ColorHandler:14
19:58:20.033 Stack End - Studio
You cannot directly assign the RGB values separately. So you need to create a new color3 with these new RGB values.
Color3.fromRGB(NewR, NewG, NewB)
And then change the part color to this new Color3
province.Color =,Color.Value.G,Color.Value.B)
(drewdude500 solved)
@Soldrion Also, I just noticed, you could have been doing this:
provines.Color = Color.Value
and not this:
provines.Color =
You were basically telling it code to create a Color3
with a Color3
@drewbluewasabi’s Solution is not the best way to do this as you are basically Applying the Values Seperately instead of together.
software developer monke brain moment
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