Hey all! Quick question, is it better to use unions or meshes? Say, furniture for example, would it be better to use unions or meshes. I know the answer depends on what a person is making, but what is better in general? In addition, which one would be less laggier? It’s a question I’ve been wondering for a while.
It depends a lot in your skill area. if you’re good with 3D Modeling, Go for meshes. If you’re better in Studio, Unions are your best bet. Meshes tend to be more detailed though. So it has to do with preference, and skill area. Also, GG 2000th Post of Building Support.
I’m 2000th post time to flex
Jokes aside, thanks your feedback but
What do you use? Meshes or unions? Or have you tried both? Which one is better in your opinion?
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Meshes I guess would be less laggier. Although the process to make them could cause some studio lag. I use Unions, because to me building them is much simpler, and I’m better at them. And yes, epic flex.
Unions tend to be very buggy. They can disappear when you leave Studio and reopen it.