Unknow error when i reset

I have a problem that when I reset the controls they still disabled, I think if you help me with this first it will be easier to help me with the other error

Bruh, i think i can just disable the reset button while the script is running

anyway i would like to know how to resolve without removing the reset button

You can use the Humanoid.Died event and then enable the controls agian I think.

I tried and it works, but at the end of the script at the right time if I reset that error and the controls are disabled, if I reset at any other time everything is normal

if you canā€™t help me please ask a friend of yours to help me, because i already created 1 post on this subject i canā€™t create another one if i create another i will be reported

Sorry but I canā€™t help you, I also donā€™t have any friends that could help you with this problem. I suggest maybe rewriting the script, thatā€™s my last advice because Iā€™m truly clueless.

ok my last resort is to disable the reset button

it didnā€™t work, what am I going to do now ā€¦

I thought where the error is coming from is that part of the code, but the controls disabled after the reset I still donā€™t know how to solve

local function playAnimationFromServer(character, animation)
			local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
			if humanoid then
				local animator = humanoid:FindFirstChildOfClass("Animator")
				if animator then
					local animationTrack = animator:LoadAnimation(animation)
					return animationTrack
		playAnimationFromServer(Char, script.ScriptL.Pular)

Nevermind this is not the code that is causing error


I managed to fix the error yeee

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very nice, how did you do it?

very simple i just use anchor in the HumanoidRootPart and i changed the animation to Humanoid:LoadAnimation() and removed the controls

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of course that error still happens but nothing that interferes with the game


Well then just ignore it.
I guess no one will complain about that later.