Does anyone know how to go about accomplishing this. The map “unloads” depending on where you are. If you know how this is achieved or if its just a roblox thing please leave a reply.
My graphics are full and I have a medium range pc if that helps, thank you.
I have two solutions, the logic is simple.
Step 1: Put every assets you want it to be unloaded and loaded in a special Folder, make sure it won’t broke every existing scripts.
Step 2: If the assets are models, you should set a Primary part, it’s very important for distance detection.
Step 3: Create a localscript
This script is not tested but it should work
local StoredModels = {}
local WorkspaceModels = workspace.Models
local Distance = 50
while wait(10) do
for _,model in pairs({table.unpack(WorkspaceModels:GetChildren()), table.unpack(StoredModels)}) do
if (workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position - model.PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude >= Distance then -- If the camera is far from the model then
if model.Parent then -- Get rid of the model and save it into a dictionnary to make sure we can get the model again
model.Parent = nil
table.insert(StoredModels, model)
if not model.Parent then
model.Parent = WorkspaceModels
table.remove(StoredModels, table.find(StoredModels, model))