Unreliable remote events for visuals?

Are unreliable remote events useful for visuals? I’m working on a gun system that uses a system that visualizes the bullets on each player’s client and I’ve heard people talk about how unreliable remote events are good for visuals. So how would they be useful?

I would recommend reading this announcement post along with this viewing this example. I would also recommend reading this blog post (this was before UnreliableRemoteEvents came out) for an example. In layman terms:

As the name suggests, it sends packets unreliably. This is important because with RemoteEvents, packets (or data that is being sent through remotes) are guaranteed to send in order but can get dropped, meaning packets after the dropped packet are delayed until the dropped packet gets sent successfully. This is important for data related packets as you want the most up-to-date information as possible without the possibility of receiving old data.

UnreliableRemoteEvent, however, does not retry a dropped packet, but instead moves onto the next packet. This is perfect for visuals as we don’t care if one or a few packets gets dropped, as long as the visuals are given to the client. This also means that the network doesn’t yield itself waiting for the previous dropped packet to be sent, resulting in faster update times for clients with a bad connection (i.e: mobile connections).

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