"Unsupported authorization method" with Open Cloud, using a group API key

For reference, my Group/Community ID is 35173499.

I’m trying to send a GET request to the Get Group endpoint with Postman, and I get an error when trying to send the request:

I’m using an API key made on a Community/Group:

And everything is setup properly to make requests:

However, when trying to send the request I get the aforementioned unauthorised error (the Postman collection I am using is from a DevForum update post a while back). I even tried using the CURL command provided on the documentation (redacted ofc):

I wasn’t able to fix this, however I made a new API key directly on my account:

Exact same settings, I replace the key in the CURL command and would you look at that! It works perfectly.

Either I’m missing something really obvious (if I am then it should be even more obvious), API keys for communities aren’t meant to be used for this purpose (why) or it’s a bug.


This is a bug/missing feature that for some reason hadn’t been implemented when this new API was rolled out yesterday. Feel free to reply to/like the feature request here to show your interest:

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