Upcoming Optimization to Collision Detection System - Beta Test on Mac Clients soon

My game heavily relies on touch events and raycasting. I would love to test it out.

Place ID: 1597374998

I would like to sign up!

PlaceId: 5994215121
Game Link: [SELECT-BETA-PROGRAM] Collision 3-stage testing - Roblox

Game is currently Public with Studio Access API on… if it matters.

I would love to help test this out, my game could use some of the benefits provided by this.

Place ID: 1080039206

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This sounds really interesting, thank you for working on this! My game uses a lot of collision groups for various things, and obviously some raycast, pretty standard.

4742915076 is the game id.

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I would like to beta test this feature 1730877806

I can help with this!
Available all days monday-sunday 12 hours :smile:

I’d like to volunteer! The place ID is 5919299332. I use a lot of raycasting, GetTouchingParts, and Touched on both the client and the server.

I’d like to volunteer ID 4924862224

A moving 6500 BasePart Mechanism with multiple Assemblies. Littered with unanchored parts and R15 Humanoids.
Areas detected in the ship using Room Hitboxes, exit proofed with GTP.
Custom Relative Displacement using HRP to surface raycasts and many CollisionGroups, Ragdolls.

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Would be happy to help!


I’d like to try out these optimizations too!
PlaceId: 5561054413

please add place id 570460315

This feature is something to look forward to! I want to test this!

PlaceID: 5151134497


[4.30~개발중]로우폴리 시티 2 - Roblox

Wouldn’t mind at all lol, if anything this will really help my game. 5066691445

My game would be a great testing grounds - id 3719106674.

Thank you!

Would be very interested in seeing the change in our development place; which contains a large number of sizable collision boxes. Ranging from high-part welded trains to massive mesh terrain pieces.

Game Id: 1303144812


Exciting!! Would love to test this out in the bad business PTR: 3360073263


I will volunteer two of my bigger games, The Border being a good place with a large amount of players moving around at once.

[Day of Dusk] The Border:


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I’d like to opt-in to this beta, as my game relies on accurate collisions between player avatars and moving map geometry at high-ish velocities, and also uses rays for some custom collision logic.

Game ID is 5710730536.

I opt in Freeze-Tag 364802243
Its a popular player Tag game, filled with touching bodyparts!

I’d like to opt into the beta, as my game has player created swords that are upwards of multiple hundreds of small parts welded together.

Game Id: 617613021
