Update 4.0 for UI Shadows - Colored UI Shadows!

UI Shadows 4.0 is a powerful tool for creating shadows for the user interface, one click and a beautiful interface is ready!

Update 4.0

  • Now you can create colorful shadows!
    Even gradients!

Select an element(-s) and press the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + C

  • Automatic shadow color based on UI and its features!
    Smart algorithm!

  • Undo and Redo on all pages!
    Fast access!

Video Preview

SHIFT + C Change the UI Element Сlass
SHIFT + X Add Shadow
SHIFT + Z Add Simulation

` (BACKQUOTE) Open / Close Menu

Try UI Shadows

Price: 100 R$

A lot of time and effort has been invested into this resource, it is optimized and does not waste unnecessary performance.

By purchasing, you support the author and get a plugin that will receive big updates in the future!

Number of purchases at the moment: 400+.

Good luck in the development!

Quiz for future updates!

What theme are you using in UI Shadows?
  • Dark
  • Light

0 voters

Do you use simulations other than shadows?
  • Yes, I use it
  • No

0 voters

Do you want to disable dragging UI elements along with the window in UI Shadows?
  • No, it helps me
  • Yes, it prevents me
  • It doesn’t prevents me and I don’t use it, so it doesn’t matter

0 voters

Do you like how UI Shadows looks?
  • Yes I like it
  • No, I don’t like it

0 voters

Are you using Quick Class Change in UI Shadows?
  • Yes, relevant for me
  • No, not relevant for me
  • Haven’t tried it yet

0 voters

Thank you for taking the survey!


Bro, can you edit the old one or reply to the old one instead of making a new topic? That can cause clutter in the #resources:community-resources category


Okay, I’ll take it into account next time!