Yeah, but i dont want to make it overly confusing on how the system works, the point of “locking to a part” is to lock the camera to a part. To fix this, you can either lock to the humanoidrootpart + and offset, or make a new part that behaves exactly how you need, then lock the camera to that part.
Thanks for the feedback though!
Okay, so um. I’m having a problem here. Whenever I run the EZCam script, my character just starts spinning rapidly?
I put my local script on StarterGUI, here’s the code:
-- Variables --
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character
local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
local CameraModule = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.EZCam)
-- Strings --
CameraModule:Start(Character:WaitForChild("Head"), "Still")
I have absolutely no idea why, but the character starts spinning really fast. The player turns into a literal tornado. Did I do something wrong here?
Brillant Module but I have noticed an issue, if I use the code below when it stops the camera Distance, and Height is not reset.
I can get around by getting the camera position before running.
local PresetParams = {
OrbitDistance = 5;
OrbitHeight = 5;
OrbitSpeed = 5;
CameraModule:Start(game.Workspace.EZCamPart, “Orbit”, PresetParams, 2)