Game Updates.
These are the update logs for the games and will get edited each month
Update Log
Recent updates
Past Updates
- Badges for every difficulty
- Removed nametags
- Replaced music
- New badge images
- New text signs design
- Spawns that make you spawn in the lobby
- Main menu, thanks @CovertCode
- New lobby and others… Go check it out yourself
- New UI
Sword Game
Added Badges for joining the game.
Added Badges where when you reach 1 hour, it gives out a badge.
Main menu made by @CovertCode
Death Screen
New Icon
- New stage (138)
- Fun fact textlabel
- Main menu fixed up a little bit
- Fixed up the Main GUI
- UI improved for the menu
- Mouse entered thingy for the gamepasses
- R to reset and reset UI fixed with smooth resetting
Thank you for being a part of our community!