Update to the Plugin Marketplace

This is really a flawed take.

No, and if it deters someone from buying a plugin, they should not get that plugin. Plugins for software like Unity, UE5, photoshop, and more can easily cost more than $100 USD (source: I’m a part-time photographer. Plugins are expensive).

Frankly, I would like to see the minimum higher so the culture can adapt to be more realistic, as it’s current outrageous how little plugin developers are paid.

Great video explaining this topic.


Seen some people referring to my takes in this thread. Here’s my most recent take specifically about this update (mild language warning):

I think this is a good first step, but this is far from a solved problem. I’d hope action is taken on many of the other points in this thread which others have already correctly pointed out as longstanding issues.


I mean… it’s cool that Roblox wants to help plugin makers out, but the long-term solution to the problem is to decrease the tax Roblox places on plugin sales.

I wouldn’t consider Roblox setting mandatory price floors as a win.

If Roblox would decrease the marketplace tax, plugins priced from 1-99 Robux would stay at the same price and be affordable for consumers. Plugin developers would receive more money because taxes would be low. It’s a win-win situation that helps “creators build sustainable businesses.”

Roblox benefits from forcing creators to charge more, because in order to purchase plugins, consumers will need more Robux, which they either get from buying Robux (benefiting Roblox), or from their own game’s revenue (which is generated from players buying Robux).

Overall, I’m happy Roblox is willing to try and fix this problem, but this is a poor solution.

Please don’t use other software to compare for pricing Roblox plugins, other software’s plugins have different uses / capabilities, etc, plus many external plugin creators can be teams of people spending hundreds and thousands of hours making high quality plugins with functionality that can’t be reproduced elsewhere. This is a lot different than usually a single Roblox developer writing a script using api that is directly handed to them, maybe for hundreds or thousands of hours, yet many probably not. I’m not trying to discredit plugin creators, I am simply stating that drawing similarities to other software’s plugin prices is probably not a good comparison.

The first group mentioned in your video (people who think your plugins are too highly priced) is not resolved by the update. In your video you mention that your plugin is 440 Robux, let’s see what someone with this mindset would probably think if they saw the plugin:

Why is the plugin 440 Robux, that’s a 340% mark-up on the minimum 100 Robux price!?


This plugin costs 440 Robux, yet there are a ton of free-similar ones, guess I’ll just take one of those instead.

See that in either example the issue is only dampened by the price-floor, not solved. On top of this, the above assumes the user is aware of the price-floor, they could instead just believe that plugin developers selling plugins for 100 Robux are greedy.

The other group of people mentioned in your video (people that price their plugins low to please those in group 1) are also not helped by this update. They’ll just increase their price to 100 and continue, just like how a ton of clothing on the catalog is 5 Robux (as 5 Robux is the base-price iirc), making anything that costs more looks too expensive.

In fact this update actually can hurt some plugin creators, let’s make an example, we’ll refer to the plugin developer as ‘dev’

Dev made a plugin and wants to put it on the marketplace, he wants to price it at 40 Robux so he makes a tiny amount of money, while also having a lot of people using his plugin. In this case, dev cares more about people using his plugin that strictly earning Robux (it’s a passion), but dev still wants to earn something for his work. Oh no, plugin-base prices just released, dev must now decide whether he wants the plugin to be free (which destroys any income, while increasing users) or setting the price to 100 Robux (which lowers the amount of users dramatically)

The above is fictional however is possible to occur with this update

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I have mixed feelings about it, it has both it’s pros and cons.

The 100 robux price floor obviously takes away some freedom by not allowing devs to pick a lower price, some devs just don’t want much for their plugins.

I could afford 100 robux myself, I’m an adult with a job but I can imagine there are many/enough young developers who can’t (Just imagine asking your parents if you can borrow their credit card to buy a plugin).

On the other hand, 100 robux will prevent devs from underpricing their own works which I suppose is a good thing.
But chances are some devs would rather put their plugins in the store for free because they can’t put a 20 robux price tag on it and maybe they feel like 100 is too much.

And I know this also because I myself am one of those people.
If I can’t price my own plugin at 40 robux then I’d probably put it out for free instead for all those young devs who can’t make 100 robux that easily.

It’s not because I undervalue my work, I just like to think about others too.
It may be easy for you if you’re an adult with a proper job, but put yourself in the perspective of a 14 year old developer (those exist yes).

So this update really both has pros of cons.
You lose some freedom but I guess it also improves some other things.
But I suppose time will tell whether this was a good decision or not.


This is a horrible representation. You fail to realize many plugins take hundreds of hours of work for developers, and many do work in teams. Again, please watch the video as it explains this clearly. :slightly_smiling_face:


In the next line I state that most plugins do still take hundreds of hours to create even in Roblox. As for teams, I am unaware of any large enough plugins that are made by teams of people, either it probably isn’t common or it’s very hidden to the consumer, if you have any examples please let me know.

Perhaps, which I did allude to towards the end a bit (‘hope we don’t just get a bunch of 100 Robux plugins’) but the point is that it’s far better than having 5 Robux plugins (8800% increase? zomg!).

It’s not a closed issue for sure, and there’s definitely still a lot of ways it could go wrong. Please don’t be under the impression I think this is a closed case (though I can see how my overly-reductive-due-to-space-constraints thumbnail might be misleading). More radical economy changes are probably required here, including but not limited to bypassing Robux altogether.


It’s the best time to buy cheap plugins that you want, plugins that have the price between 1 and 99 will be set to 100 soon
Still be careful that some of then can be a virus

Correct me if I’m wrong, but this is basically saying small, low budget developers can’t use most plugins now? I know I personally wouldn’t spend 100 robux on a plugin, simply cause I don’t have the robux to spend (especially if I’m not sure on the profit from a project). This seems like a pretty bad update for small devs.


I like the update!
But unfortunately, most plugin creators(like me) still don’t have the ability to make paid plugins. Back in 2019 Roblox said that the ability to make paid plugins would be available for everyone sometime in 2020. Now, far into 2022, it is still an invite-only program.
I hope Roblox soon allows everybody to create paid plugins.


Looking good, can’t wait to see more of this!

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Increasing price floor for paid plugins is not going to solve the root of the problem especially when majority of the developers’ opinion towards the price of a developer’s work remain still. It’s only going to create a circle which discourages using genuine products and share pirated works.

Developers are built around the toolbox ecosystem where most contributions to the toolbox system still couldn’t be marked as paid up to this day. No matter what it is, developers tend to underestimate creations made by other developers. It’s discouraging developers from contributing to the developer community to be honest. And the lack of DRM-protected assets further takes the motivation away in a quicker pace. The developer marketplace system is still far too immature for transactions to take place.

It’s the community being toxic towards our work simply because the pricing is “too over” for them, but not we wanting more money. We have the rights to price our work at any amount, not you, Roblox.

Clearly enforcing price floor isn't the solution to eliminate underestimation of work. The vicious cycle continues on. Maybe the developer relation team and product team could've spend more time focusing on actual issues, not this simple improvement which barely helps.

If enforcing a price floor for plugins take 2 years of experimental testing for you to figure out, I don’t know when we will actually receive beneficial features/improvements, probably years.


How will this effect DevEx rates?


Hi there, is there any way for a creator to gain access, or apply to start selling plugins? I have an awesome plugin I’d like to monetize, but I haven’t released it yet. If I need to provide a demo for submission, I’d be more than willing to show off what I’ve made.

I can’t wait for getting motivated for making plugins. :melting_face:

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No, you have to make an awesome plugin for free & They will put you in the Plugin marketplace program, Sadly you can’t sell your plugins without being in the Plugin marketplace program.

It’s good that devs are able to sell their plugins, but the price floor is just horrible. People need to set their own prices according to the value of their plugin. No one is going to pay 100 for a simple plugin that is worth 20, so the developer will be forced to make it free. Lost revenue.

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What plugin is worth 20 R$? If your plugin is worth 25 cents (or about 7 cents in DevEx), then perhaps it might as well be free? If it’s something that basic, what’s stopping anyone else from making the same plugin (and free at that)?

While 100 R$ might seem like a little bit from a starting dev, you must realize that even small developers make far more than that without even having to sell anything. It should also be considered that you don’t even need any plugins to begin developing a game. But if a plugin is useful enough that you believe it to be essential, wouldn’t it then be worth the money?

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