[REMASTERED] Leave your opinions on my subway game I have been working on for 5 years

Let me know your opinions with a reply!

LAST UPDATE: v4.1.5: Added Window Frames, New Music + more in the update log linked below!

Here are the images:

And the main cart:

Storage Cart:


Update Log
Welcome to the latest remaster.


Here’s the lighting I used:


WOW!, the detail and lighting are amazing!


10 months?? That seems like an awfully long time.
Looks great though, personally I’d change the handlebars to something else because it looks just… “off”.
You should add safety stuff as well, like exit signs and emergency hammer.
I’ve personally never been on any train that features wood for a pretty large part of it. I think metal is used because of its durability…
You should add graffiti or ads :slight_smile:
Not sure why you’d change the color and seats in the second carriage, it’s super unusual for a subway… not sure how I feel about the yellow either. I’d also add windowframes in the second pic.

Overall good job, just lacking very minor details.


Great Idea! I should change the handlebars right now.
Also, this train is supposed to be a luxurious(ish) train so I don’t know how graffiti would work, but ads would look great!
I just started on the windowframes, the yellow is supposed to be like, gold.

I just redid the handlebars:


I love this build you have been working on, it’s a sleek design and you really made the subways look very detailed! :smiley:

Edit: Good job and keep up the awesome work!


That’s really cool! Do the doors slide open? Nice job. :smiley::smile::wink: So excited to see the finished game! Can you post the link here when you’re done? Thanks!


The doors don’t slide open because, well the game is Forever Subway, so they will only open if there is a special event like a puzzle.


Wow the models are very smooth and realistic and I really like the lighting too.
BTW what is your game about?


The game is about waiting for your stop at the station no stations except for events.
It’s also about hanging out and talking.


So it’s a hangout game?
30 characters

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yes, it is half of a hangout game and an actual subway build.
It’s actually really good as a hangout.

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I’m going to bed soon so, I won’t be able to reply for a couple hours, See you all tomorrow!

Looks very good, mind leaving a game link here?

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Hello, the subway looks good! I would personally not make the “string” go through the circles, because I think it would look a little nicer. I have nothing else to say! Keep up the good work.


This is great, but 10 months? I believe that is too much for a small game.

Great project! Everything looks fine to me, except the things that have been listed above.

@unidentifiedchris @Luxorz He might have had to do other things in the process or needed to take that time to make it. Who knows really. Unless he answers lol


I love the effort you put into the game to make it look amazing!
I decided to check the game out and when I looked at the game
badges, I saw there was one that awarded you a badge when you played it.
Unfortunately, I didn’t receive the badge and was wondering if this was a bug, or did I have to do something to get? Anyways, great game!

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The game looks awesome indeed but i am pretty sure you shouldn’t post topics like “guys join my game”. Maybe “Feedback on 10 months project”.

Keep up the good work :heart: